
2020-10-21 22:01



Follow the river waters and live by it. For thousands of years, the Yellow River has nurtured the Chinese civilization, leading it to prosperous glory.


Guide County in Qinghai Province is known as “the purest water in Guide of the Yellow River Basin”. But sadly, with the yellow river running through the land, it could’t use water for irrigation and daily life in the past. Why was that?

同期声——青海省海南藏族自治州贵德拉西瓦灌溉工程建设局局长 李占彪

Interview: Li Zhanbiao, Director of Guide Laxiwa Irrigation Project Construction Bureau of Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province


At present, our cultivated land and people’s residential areas are located 2,200 meters above sea level, but the Yellow River flows below that level. This poses problems when it comes to farmland irrigation and drinking water requirements. When it comes to water conservation, man’s greatest wish is to ensure its availability for irrigation.


The Yellow River waters can enhance quality of life for people so the irrigation project is a top priority. Once the Laxiwa Irrigation Project is operational, the local irrigation area will expand by 133.47 square kilometers, solving the irrigation woes of 87 villages with more than 80,000 inhabitants.

同期声——青海省海南藏族自治州贵德县河阴镇童家村村民 王振伟

Interview: Wang Zhenwei, a resident of Tongjia Village, Heyin Town, guide County, Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province


The Lasiwa Irrigation Project will bring the Yellow River water to parched fields. With more water, the corn crop will flourish and give a bumper harvest.


The Yellow River, with its selfless dedication and love, will bring about a green revolution of sorts. Both mankind and water draw nourishment from each other. When nature and humans are in harmony, miracles happen. Ruoergai County, Sichuan Province is home to a fairyland called "Flower Lake".

同期声——若尔盖湿地国家级自然保护区管理局科研科科长 索郎夺尔基

Interview: Solangduoerji, Chief of Scientific Research Section of Ruoergai Wetland National Nature Reserve Management Bureau


The Yellow River is regarded as the ‘mother river’ in China. In fact, our Flower Lake is infusing fresh blood into the mother river so that its waters are not cut off upstream. We are now investing considerable human and financial resources at the national and government levels to protect this wetland. To be honest, I told many of our young colleagues that I would like to manage it just as I manage my own home.


“Solitary ducks fly against the setting sun, while the waters below mirror the hues of the sky above.” The beautiful scenery of the Flower Lake resembles descriptions of paradise. In its proximity, Xicang Village has turned its focus on sand control and green restoration.

同期声——若尔盖县林草局生态修复股助理工程师 涂胜

Interview: Tu Sheng, Assistant Engineer, Ecological Restoration Unit, Forest and Grass Bureau, Ruoergai County


When I first came here, it was quite desolate. This way, three kilometers, you can see the place is sand, there is no grass.With our efforts, the threat of severe desertification in Ruoergai has been removed.We want to take measures for desertification control in our county and restore the ecological environment.The Yellow River, the mother river, we will soothe all wounds.


Serpentine Yellow River, the blood of a great nation, ‘guard the mother river!’ It is the cry of the Yellow River people. Return love for love, which is what the children of the Yellow River are doing.


Mother river nourishes Chinese civilization with love; in return children of the Yellow River guard the soul of the Yellow River. This bonding and sharing is everlasting and endless.

编辑: 杨宁   责任编辑:李瑾瑜



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2020-10-21 22:01       我要评论 


Follow the river waters and live by it. For thousands of years, the Yellow River has nurtured the Chinese civilization, leading it to prosperous glory.


Guide County in Qinghai Province is known as “the purest water in Guide of the Yellow River Basin”. But sadly, with the yellow river running through the land, it could’t use water for irrigation and daily life in the past. Why was that?

同期声——青海省海南藏族自治州贵德拉西瓦灌溉工程建设局局长 李占彪

Interview: Li Zhanbiao, Director of Guide Laxiwa Irrigation Project Construction Bureau of Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province


At present, our cultivated land and people’s residential areas are located 2,200 meters above sea level, but the Yellow River flows below that level. This poses problems when it comes to farmland irrigation and drinking water requirements. When it comes to water conservation, man’s greatest wish is to ensure its availability for irrigation.


The Yellow River waters can enhance quality of life for people so the irrigation project is a top priority. Once the Laxiwa Irrigation Project is operational, the local irrigation area will expand by 133.47 square kilometers, solving the irrigation woes of 87 villages with more than 80,000 inhabitants.

同期声——青海省海南藏族自治州贵德县河阴镇童家村村民 王振伟

Interview: Wang Zhenwei, a resident of Tongjia Village, Heyin Town, guide County, Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province


The Lasiwa Irrigation Project will bring the Yellow River water to parched fields. With more water, the corn crop will flourish and give a bumper harvest.


The Yellow River, with its selfless dedication and love, will bring about a green revolution of sorts. Both mankind and water draw nourishment from each other. When nature and humans are in harmony, miracles happen. Ruoergai County, Sichuan Province is home to a fairyland called "Flower Lake".

同期声——若尔盖湿地国家级自然保护区管理局科研科科长 索郎夺尔基

Interview: Solangduoerji, Chief of Scientific Research Section of Ruoergai Wetland National Nature Reserve Management Bureau


The Yellow River is regarded as the ‘mother river’ in China. In fact, our Flower Lake is infusing fresh blood into the mother river so that its waters are not cut off upstream. We are now investing considerable human and financial resources at the national and government levels to protect this wetland. To be honest, I told many of our young colleagues that I would like to manage it just as I manage my own home.


“Solitary ducks fly against the setting sun, while the waters below mirror the hues of the sky above.” The beautiful scenery of the Flower Lake resembles descriptions of paradise. In its proximity, Xicang Village has turned its focus on sand control and green restoration.

同期声——若尔盖县林草局生态修复股助理工程师 涂胜

Interview: Tu Sheng, Assistant Engineer, Ecological Restoration Unit, Forest and Grass Bureau, Ruoergai County


When I first came here, it was quite desolate. This way, three kilometers, you can see the place is sand, there is no grass.With our efforts, the threat of severe desertification in Ruoergai has been removed.We want to take measures for desertification control in our county and restore the ecological environment.The Yellow River, the mother river, we will soothe all wounds.


Serpentine Yellow River, the blood of a great nation, ‘guard the mother river!’ It is the cry of the Yellow River people. Return love for love, which is what the children of the Yellow River are doing.


Mother river nourishes Chinese civilization with love; in return children of the Yellow River guard the soul of the Yellow River. This bonding and sharing is everlasting and endless.

编辑: 杨宁   责任编辑:李瑾瑜
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